Tag: integritee

  • The How, Why and What of the Kusama Crowdlending

    The How, Why and What of the Kusama Crowdlending

    Integritee stands on the threshold of a major milestone as we launch our Kusama crowdlending campaign – asking our supporters to help us secure the parachain slots that we need to refine our network. It’s a key step towards the primary goals of both launching our mainnet, and listing the TEER token. But what exactly…

  • Divided We Fall? – Why Crypto Exchanges Should Work Together

    Divided We Fall? – Why Crypto Exchanges Should Work Together

    The widespread availability of reliable information is crucial to the efficiency of markets. But the information in the crypto sphere is fragmented and opaque. Cryptocurrency exchanges need to work together to change this. In the burgeoning cryptocurrency market, traders are hampered by a chronic lack of information. Although transparency is often cited as a core…