Category: Project Update

  • Confidential Computing Will Secure Our Secrets in Web3

    Confidential Computing Will Secure Our Secrets in Web3

    Web2 was built on data harvesting but the next phase of development must be about protecting that data, not exploiting it. Often the true consequences of a technological shift only become clear later – and when they do, they can drive the next shift. That is certainly true of the “social web”, or Web2, which…

  • The How, Why and What of the Kusama Crowdlending

    The How, Why and What of the Kusama Crowdlending

    Integritee stands on the threshold of a major milestone as we launch our Kusama crowdlending campaign – asking our supporters to help us secure the parachain slots that we need to refine our network. It’s a key step towards the primary goals of both launching our mainnet, and listing the TEER token. But what exactly…