Category: Project Update

  • Monthly Wrap-Up March 2022: Migrating to Kusama & Building Our Community

    Monthly Wrap-Up March 2022: Migrating to Kusama & Building Our Community

    A quarter of the way through 2022, with our technical team working steadily to prepare for migrating our solo network to Kusama, we are making strong progress on community building and raising Integritee’s profile. Here’s what has been keeping us busy in March. Talking it out In an informal events series with our GameFi partner Ajuna, we’ve…

  • Update On Integritee Parachain Migration

    Update On Integritee Parachain Migration

    In January, thanks to the overwhelming support from our community in backing our crowdloan campaign, we achieved our goal of securing a Kusama parachain. As we already had an existing solo chain, the next step was to move it over to Kusama. Although the process was delayed somewhat by unfortunate technical complications, we are on track…

  • What Should Integritee Present at Polkadot Decoded 2022? You Decide.

    What Should Integritee Present at Polkadot Decoded 2022? You Decide.

    Integritee makes it easy for developers to create dapps and services in the Polkadot ecosystem that protect the privacy of users. We have had a long connection with Polkadot and Kusama; in 2019 and 2020, we received grants from the Web3 Foundation and Polkadot Treasury to develop the first links to trusted execution environments (TEEs).…

  • TEE Time with Integritee

    TEE Time with Integritee

    At Integritee, we love keeping our supporters in the loop, but it can feel a bit one-sided. While we share a lot of information on the blog, in our newsletters and social channels, it’s more a broadcast than a conversation. Even on Telegram, there isn’t much scope to have a serious exchange. We’d like to…

  • Event Series: Learn How Integritee Is Taking Gaming to the Next Level With Ajuna

    Event Series: Learn How Integritee Is Taking Gaming to the Next Level With Ajuna

    Did you know that the Integritee Network can be used to power a new generation of fast, decentralized, Web3 games? Through our partnership with the games platform Ajuna Network, we will enable fast, graphically rich, Web3 games that balance performance with decentralization. But how do Web3 games work in practice and how does Integritee fit…

  • Monthly Wrap-Up February 2022: A New Listing, Sidechains & Other Updates

    Monthly Wrap-Up February 2022: A New Listing, Sidechains & Other Updates

    Business expansion, an exchange listing, and feature-complete sidechains: this is just a small sample of the Integritee news this month. Indeed, things have been developing extremely rapidly in February across all areas of the Integritee project, so we thought it might be a good time to pause and take stock. This post takes a look…

  • TEE 101: How Intel SGX works and  why we use it at Integritee

    TEE 101: How Intel SGX works and why we use it at Integritee

    Integritee uses a technology known as trusted execution environments (TEEs) to process sensitive data off-chain. But what exactly are TEEs and how do they work? In this post, we will take a look at one of the most common & powerful TEE architectures, which we also use at Integritee: Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). Data…

  • After the Crowdloan: What’s Happening Next

    After the Crowdloan: What’s Happening Next

    With a successful Kusama campaign behind us, the next step is to distribute supporter rewards and migrate to the parachain. This is what lies ahead. Our Kusama parachain lease period is nearly here – it starts on the 20th of February and will run for 48 weeks. Of course, our priority now is making sure…

  • Integritee Achieves Feature-Complete Sidechains

    Integritee Achieves Feature-Complete Sidechains

    Integritee completed a significant milestone today — feature-complete sidechains. This achievement paves the way to a future of unpermissioned access to trusted execution environments (TEEs) on Substrate blockchains such as Polkadot and Kusama via a fast, second-layer network. Most blockchain networks tend to be transparent by nature, with transactions published on a public ledger. As…

  • Enterprise-Focused Securitee Expands Integritee’s Ecosystem

    Enterprise-Focused Securitee Expands Integritee’s Ecosystem

    Integritee is tackling the traditional enterprise market with a new subsidiary company, Securitee, a cutting-edge confidential computing service that provides unparalleled security for either hosted or on-premises data processing. Securitee, based in Berlin, offers scalable confidential computing infrastructure to meet the emerging data needs of enterprises seeking robust security and confidentiality. This perfectly complements Integritee’s…