Tag: Web3
The Potential of Tokenizing Assets: From Houses to Private Equity & Whisky
Asset tokenization represents a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and interact with assets, offering unprecedented opportunities for liquidity, accessibility, and efficiency. Although it’s a rising trend in the financial market, it doesn’t come without challenges. This article explores both the downsides and benefits of asset tokenization. What is Asset Tokenization? In the last…
Monthly Wrap-Up January 2024: Launching the Incognitee Testnet, Winning a Hackernoon Award & Much More!
We started the year strong! Last month, we focused on working on and launching our highly anticipated privacy sidechain, Incognitee. The team is pleased to announce that Integritee has been awarded Hackernoon’s Best Startup of the Year (2023). Scroll through to find out more exciting things from last month. Business Updates Winning a Hackernoon Award…
Uncovering Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms: Proof-of-Stake, Proof-of-Work & Beyond
Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we perceive and execute transactions, introducing decentralized and transparent systems that promise to reshape industries. At the heart of these blockchain networks lie consensus mechanisms, the algorithms that validate and confirm transactions, maintain the integrity of the ledger, and ensure the security of the entire ecosystem. Two prominent consensus…
Series 2 – The Integritee Network | Episode 2 – Integritee Architecture & Components
Welcome to Integritee’s second season of educational videos! We are introducing interesting concepts related to the tech we use and the work we do. This series will teach you everything you need to know about Integritee Network. In this video, we will be talking about the architecture and single components of Integritee Network. If you…
How Blockchain is Benefiting Numerous Industries: From Sustainability to Brand Quality Control
You’ve probably come across some articles written by our team that highlight the wide coverage of blockchain — it’s not just about tokens and digital ledgers anymore. Blockchain is, indeed, taking the world by storm. First, Web3 projects sought out ways to turn this technology into more than a buzzword related to crypto. When countless…
SDK v0.11.0: Increased Performance and Faster Processes
Integritee’s Sidechain Development Kit (SDK) eases the developers’ way into building their own Web3 applications. We released its first version a few months ago and have been working on scaling it up. In February, Integritee’s tech team was able to bring it to a new level: the SDK v0.11.0 comes with increased performance levels and…
Integritee & Securitee: Connecting the Dots
Integritee’s SDK poses as a game-changer when it comes to web3 solutions. It is designed for developers aiming for low latencies, scalability, and confidentiality, and helps build new-generation applications with a privacy-native approach. It also allows you to add privacy features for any part of your application, meaning you can choose which information to keep confidential,…
Integritee’s SDK: A New Era of Web3 Application Building
Over these past months, our team has been concocting the perfect recipe with some premium ingredients. Now, it’s finally time to reveal what we’ve been up to: Integritee is releasing its Software Development Kit (SDK) which will be a game-changer for application builders! Designed for web3 developers aiming for low latencies, scalability, and confidentiality, our…
Monthly Wrap-Up August 2022
This August, our tech team was busy distributing TEER rewards to our crowd loan contributors, testing our sidechains’ performance, and working on some very exciting things. We’ve also announced a partnership with Crust Network, and took some time to meet and discuss future deals with other projects. Check out what we’ve been up to! Giving…
Integritee Sidechain Performance Benchmark
Our tech team has been heavily working on Integritee Network’s sidechains. Our goal was to find limits to measures such as throughput, and the number of concurrently connected clients, which block times work better — 300ms or six seconds? — but also the size of the state, and other details. Read through and get reminded…