In February, we worked on upcoming features for Incognitee and on making it more robust. We also had a governance vote and new articles. Read through last month’s wrap-up to see what we were up to.
Business Updates
Incognitee on Polkadot Asset Hub Stats:
In February, we met an important milestone: we surpassed Monero with the K-Anonymity factor 16 for amounts of up to 10 DOTs — our next goal is to reach 100 DOTs. The stats for Incognitee’s usage on Asset Hub in February are still expandable — we witnessed 40 generated events:
- Private balance transfers: 4
- Private Messages: 1
- Session Key Proxies: 7
- Shieldings: 23
- Unshieldings: 5
- The current TVL on L2 is 1’574 DOT
Try Incognitee on Polkadot now.
Incognitee on Integritee Network Stats
The stats for Incognitee’s usage in February remained positive — we witnessed 1011 generated events, including private balance transfers, Guess the Number interactions, and others.
- Guess the Number events: 927
- Private balance transfers: 43
- Private Messages: 9
- Session Key Proxies: 16
- Shieldings: 10
- Unshieldings: 6
- The current TVL on L2 is 22’267 TEER
Guess the Number Contest Stats
We launched the Guess the Number contest at the end of October, and until the end of February, we awarded 17 lucky participants with a total of 6,500 TEER distributed among 12 different winners. We had a total of 927 guesses. Feeling lucky today? Take a minute to place a guess and win 500 TEER.
Want to enter the contest but don’t know how it works? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Our team published a short video tutorial explaining how to enter the contest and how to transfer TEER on Incognitee.
TEERdays Progression
The TEERdays campaign continues to attract enthusiasts wanting to participate in the success of Incognitee, and the numbers are looking good: by the end of February, we had surpassed 198 million active TEERdays, and more than 1,361,000 TEER bonded by 85 TEERday holders. Bond your TEER today as well and earn TEERdays.
December Content
On Anonymity in Web3
In this article, we explain how practical privacy is reached in Incognitee, Integritee’s layer 2. There are several actions and behaviors that users should enact to remain anonymous. We delve into concepts such as account hygiene and highlight which factors can impact k-anonymity.
K-Anonymity: An Important Tool to Achieve Collective Privacy
After delving into how practical privacy is reached in Incognitee, we took a dive into the concept of k-anonymity itself and how it’s applied to many other industries and areas besides blockchain and Web3. Governments, pharmaceutical companies, and data centers deploy several tools to reach k-anonymity and keep people’s identities confidential. If you’re interested in knowing more about this, check this article.
Community Update
In episode 25 of “It’s TEE Time!”, Waldemar Scherer and Sergei Medvedev shared a few updates regarding Incognitee, including the fact that we’re now prepared to make USDT available in the app. Didn’t tune in? Listen to it here.
Referenda #48/49
The Integritee council proposed the update of the Incognitee sidechain and the Teeracle to v.0.15.12. The referendum passed with 100% ayes. Learn more here: |
Tech Updates
Technical advancements:
Integritee Parachain & SDK
- Release of SDK Versions v0.15.12, v0.15.13, v0.16.0
- Maintenance mode and shard retirement
- Respect block time limits in shard retirement
- Implement shard retirement
- Tested shard retirement on Paseo
- Enforce sidechain maintenance mode
- Shard init fails silently and stalls if the proxy creation tx is outdated
- Polkadot stable202409–3
- Update upload-artifact CI
- Release mrenclave artifact
- [runtime] remove already applied migrations and add permanent xcm version migration
- [ci] disable spec version check in runtime migrations
- [ci] fix license check by bumping cargo-about in CI and allowing Unicode-3.0/Pixar licenses
- [ci] add MRENCLAVE to release and propose preimage for whitelisting enclaves
- Introduce AccountEssentials trusted getter
- [metrics] RPC response time
- Downgrade to XCMv4 and fix cli native xfer on AssetHub
- Shield assets Paseo Asset Hub
- cli error transferring PAS on AssetHubPaseo v1003003
- Fetch-on chain storage fails with Storage(Codec(Error { cause: None, desc: “out of range decoding Compact<u32>” }
- SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_CRASHED when one sidechain block sends lots of extrinsics to parachainImprove nonce handling
Incognitee App
- Desktop content boxed, mobile token indicator badge deleted, chatlist…
- Support signing with polkadot vault
For more details, check our repository.
What’s Ahead
Incognitee: Next Steps
Now that Incognitee is live as beta for DOT on Polkadot Asset Hub, we’re preparing to launch new user campaigns and features to test things out and engage with our community. The release of stablecoins, private swapping & private voting features is also underway.
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About Integritee
Integritee is the most scalable, privacy-enabling network with a Parachain on Kusama and Polkadot. Our SDK solution combines the security and trust of Polkadot, the scalability of second-layer Sidechains, and the confidentiality of Trusted Execution Environments (TEE), special-purpose hardware based on Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) technology, inside which computations run securely, confidentially, and verifiably.
Community & Social Media:
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L2 Sidechains | Trusted Off-chain Workers | Teeracle | Attesteer | Securitee | Incognitee
Integritee Network:
Governance | Explorer | Mainnet | Github